You can contact us by phone with the following numbers:
The Turin headquarters, in via Monginevro 231, in the POZZO STRADA neighborhood (Borgata Lesna) near the Tram line terminus 15, it is easily reachable from line A 15 tram and line 62 e 64 Bus. The optical center is located almost at the intersection with via De Sanctis, even in the Turin store it is possible to satisfy all needs regarding visual examination, the supply of eyeglasses, sunglasses and contact lenses. Over thirty years of experience allows us to provide a personalized and comfortable service.
The headquarters in Villafranca Piemonte (TO) VIA SAN FRANCISCO OF ASSISI 6 is about 35 Km from Turin located in the area between Vigone – Moretta – Cavour. And an optical center where it is possible to obtain all services starting from vision checks, to the choice of the most suitable frame both from an aesthetic and functional point of view. The highly specialized and trained staff prepare glasses and provide contact lenses quickly and with the utmost professionalism and assistance.